

Product Management

Readily can handle your products /
Manage Products

  • To view the list of products, navigate to the "Manage Product" section
    (Product --> Manage Product)
  • Adjusting the number of product items displayed to meet user expectations (Show entries)
  • Can view Active and Inactive product entries in dedicated sections
Create Product

Simplify product creation

  • Navigate to the product dropdown menu and subsequently select the "create product" option
  • After clicking the "create" button, users will encounter the product creation input fields where they can enter all the required information
  • After providing the product details, users can effortlessly create a product by clicking submit
Edit Product

Can easily modify the product

  • Product editing made easy by clicking the edit icon on the product list, followed by navigating to the edit option page
  • Users can make modifications to the specific item and then submit to update the details
  • Upon completion of the update, automatically navigate to the product list screen